“After a thorough investigation, careful consideration, and much
deliberation, the veterans committee has decided to grant owner loosecc
a one-year probation for failing to meet this past season’s minimum win
requirement. He will be required to win 67 games next season in order
to stay in ARod; there is no "2nd" probation.
There were many
factors involved in the decision, including the fact that loosecc was
invited to join the league as a relatively inexperienced owner to take
over a team with a recent track record of losing, before the minimum win
requirement was "officially" established. This fact, combined with loosecc’s
demonstrating a sincere dedication to improving his team and a
commitment to improving his knowledge base was another consideration.
The committee feels that the franchise is more likely to succeed with
the current owner than it would be otherwise.
If you have any
questions about the decision making process, you may contact any of the
members of the veterans committee. Please know that this decision was
not taken lightly, and that the committee acted with the best interest
of the World in mind.”
That the committee acted with the best interest of the World in mind.